If we are truly children of God, daughters of the King, why are we so insecure? Why do we feel inadequate, lack confidence and worry about what others think of us? Is this how God wants us to live the rest of our lives? Jessie shares from God’s word the freedom we can gain when we live a life surrendered to Christ, one that mirrors the reflection of God and not our culture. These sessions focus on what God’s truth says about you rather than your own feelings and what the world is telling you what you should be. Begin to walk securely in your relationship with God, others and yourself.
Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s masterpiece (work of art). He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
This series is perfect for a retreat or individual sessions.
Session One: Security in Christ
Session Two: Insecurity in yourself
Session Three: Secure relationships
(additional session can be added for a four session retreat)